Life at JESS
The experience of every student at JESS is truly holistic. Staff at JESS look to harness and develop the unique gifts of each child by providing a wide range of daily opportunities and experiences. These opportunities are within and beyond the curriculum and are carefully designed to enable students to challenge themselves and find their niche.
The possibilities are endless with high levels of participation in sports, the arts, cultural, philanthropic, academic, extracurricular activities and trips. There is an expectation for every child to engage in and make the most of the opportunities on offer. Student leadership opportunities exist in all corners of school life and children forge a strong identity with a thriving house system.
In an environment focused on nurture and aspiration, support is readily available and is a product of our strong pastoral system and our comprehensive student services provision.
As a result, there is no one JESS child, but a wide range of young people, growing and developing a range of skills, talents and abilities to enable them to make a difference in the world.

“JESS Dubai, ‘a genuinely inclusive school with an absolutely extraordinary, and outstanding, commitment to delivering a whole child education for its students. It is absolutely not a school driven by exam results – the picture is much bigger and creditable than this……It delivers results, yes, but it also delivers on rounded, highly accomplished, kind, well-adjusted and happy young men and women with ambition to do something meaningful with their lives. There is no one JESS child, but different young people, each celebrated for their own unique gifts – many of which have absolutely nothing to do with exam results’.”
– WhichSchool Advisor – 2022
Through the Eyes of the students
We know families that choose a JESS education, enable their chidren to discover a love of learning that ensures they can make a difference the world. Our Through the Eyes series of videos showcases some of our students and staff and shows their perspective on JESS.

Meet Henry

Meet Vitor

Meet Maha

Meet Charlotte
Always Guided by Our Values